Risk of Induction of labor

Did you know some risks of getting your labor induced include but are not limited to uterine rupture, infection, hemorrhage as well as the need for epidural, C- Section, forceps, and vacuum delivery?

Induction of Labor

Many women choose to have their labor induced for NO medical reason.  It is better to go into labor naturally unless there is a Medical indication, like high blood pressure, diabetes, or low amniotic fluid just to name a few.  Convenience or vacation are NOT medical reasons to be induced.  It is also best for you and your baby to go to at least 39 weeks.

Pregnant and traveling tip

Be sure to check with your health care provider before traveling. You may not want to travel too far from home near your due date.  If you have to travel, stay hydrated and be sure to ask your provider for a copy of your prenatal record to keep on you at all times in the event you go into labor during your trip.

Avoid sex during pregnancy with certain conditions

The best time for you to deliver your baby is 39 weeks or later. Many physiological changes occur in the last 3-4 weeks of your pregnancy to help your baby prepare for extrauterine life.  If you have a short cervix, premature labor, or risk for preterm delivery, you should AVOID intercourse.  Having sex can stimulate labor and potentially a preterm birth.  Babies born early can have many problems with feeding, breathing, temperature, infection, and glucose control and other problems. Your baby may have to be admitted to NICU. Unless its medically indicated for you to deliver early,  wait it out,  let your body and baby do the work.  For more information check out March of Dimes article “Why at least 39 weeks is BEST for your baby”.

Baby Safety Tip

It is NOT recommended to post birth announcements in the paper or on social media. It is not recommended to place a stork in your front yard.  Safeguard your home and pool BEFORE the baby comes home from the hospital.  Check out safety tips from  The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. (NCMEC)


If your planning to breastfeed,  it may be helpful to take a breastfeeding class to get familiar with the process.  Some women may have challenges if you have various health problems like hypothyroidism, or breast surgery or if the baby is premature.  Most hospitals have classes.

Laboring down

Pushing can be very exhausting.  Also if you have an epidural you may not have an urge to push.  Even if you are 10 centimeters, its best to wait until you have a strong urge to push, to start pushing.  By sitting up and changing positions let your body do the work and bring the baby down until you have a strong urge to push.