Postpartum Warning Signs

It takes about 4-6 weeks for your body to go back to its pre pregnancy state. Many changes occur during this time. If you experience any warning signs you need to contact your Provider right away.

Chest pain or shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.


You or your baby have a fever over 100.4 notify your provider/Pediatrician.

Heavy vaginal bleeding , soaking more than a pad an hour, passing clots.

Red, swollen or pain in calf.

Headaches, visual changes, pain in the upper abdomen area.

Feeling depressed and having problems coping with caring for your new baby.

Thoughts of hurting yourself or others.

Worsening pain in perineum, warm, tender, incision with foul discharge, fever , chills could indicate infection.

Contact provider with any concerns regarding your healing after birth