Know your Prenatal tests results especially these

Ask your provider for a copy of these test needed when you go in for delivery. These are some of the routine test taken during pregnancy.

Your blood type and Rh factor

Rubella (checks for immunity to German measles virus which can cause birth defects). If you are not immune, the hospital may offer you the vaccine before discharge.

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C detects infection of hepatitis B and C

HIV check for HIV infection so steps can be take to reduce transmission to the baby

Gonorrhea , Chlamydia, and Syphilis ( check for STD infections which can cause miscarriage or infect baby during delivery)

Group B strep ( Detects infection which can harm baby )

Learn how to use your infant’s car seat before the baby arrives

Finally you are ready to take your baby home, but you may not have practiced or learned how the car seat works, or perhaps it is still in the box. This can be very frustrating as you are being discharged home and struggling with the car seat.

TIP: Practice with a doll, read the instructions, and practice adjusting the car seat so you know how it works before discharge. If you need help, many local fire departments can check out your car seat for you. YOU are responsible for knowing how to safely place your new baby in the car seat.

Your Medical Information

It’s a good idea to keep your health information on you at all times, so when you go to your provider, clinic, ER, or hospital the information is readily available. Include the following. Fill out this form below , take a picture of it, keep it in your phone. Share this with your loved ones.

Your Name

Emergency contact

Allergies ( Medication, environmental, food)

All medications your taking with dosage, include over the counter meds and herbals

Medical history

Past surgery/hospitalization history

Family history: Does your family member have any problems with anesthesia? yes or no

Are you an Organ donor? yes or no

Do you have a living will? yes or no

Do you have a health care surrogate? yes or no

Your Physician’s with phone number